Friday, May 9, 2008

Coffee, oh coffee, why hast thou forsaken me...

I had to race through my work today to meet my deadline for work... Holy cow... I hate that.
I am not one of those folks who likes the rush. Maybe it's because I already have anxiety issues to begin with.

I tried this product that has been pretty heavily advertised on TV 5 hour energy to try and get used to beginning my work at 4 am on some days... drank a whole bottle (you have the option of taking a half or full shot) didn't work. I ended up brewing coffee to compensate.

It seems to me that coffee is the drug of choice for many Americans to get going and make it through a workday. On most days it helps clear the fog for me. Not today however. My brain resembled San Francisco for the duration of my workday. I think it may be time to take the homeopathic/herbal remedy route. Caffeine is so cheap and readily accessible, but I know it's bad for me. It can't be healthy to be high and then low like that, everyday. I realize that it wakes me up but that the effect of nervousness makes it hard for me to focus.

The other day I drank a few cocktails before I did my work (ok, I work from home, so I am not violating any workplace policy) and I noticed that I was thinking a little more clearly and was able to focus better. I do not think it's a great idea to drink and work so I will not make that a regular thing, I just pointed that as a comparison to the effects of caffeine (i.e. how the stimulating effects of caffeine makes it hard to concentrate and alcohol is the opposite of a stimulant)

Anyhoo, caffeine has failed to meet my expectations today. I got my work done... barely... no thanks to my daily coffee ritual.

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