Saturday, September 6, 2008


Around 7:45 am my mother in law, who lives with us, informed me that there was no water pressure. Then she told me that there was no water.

I called the company at 8 am. They told me that they were working on it and call back if it wasn't back in operation in four hours. At noon we still had no running water. Husband called company and was told it was almost repaired and water should start to come in.

3pm. Still NO water. I called again. This time I was told that there was a major problem and it would be around 6 or 7 before water would be restored. On top of that, the water has to be boiled until the lab specimen returns.

So during that time, bathroom use was to a minimum and there was a pile of stinky dishes in my sink for most the day... and I went to Starbucks. I was up at 4 am for my shift and if I was going to make it through my 2-week supply food shopping, I would have to get my caffeine.

So thanks to Aquatex, Starbucks got 10 bucks from me! (I got coffee for my husband, MIL, and myself)

I now have a better appreciation for running water.

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