Sunday, August 31, 2008


that old sweet tooth activates about 2-3 times a year for me. Mark my calendar for 8/31/08 as one of those days....

coated some banana slices and strawberries with melted chocolate. as I was finishing my little snack I saw a baggie of my daughters Graham snack crackers and I came up with a dessert idea. (not sure if it's original yet, as king Solomon said... nothing new under the sun)

Fruity S'mores

Graham cracker base, next layer smashed marshmallow (to make flat), thin slice of strawberry, thin slice of banana (or sub. with Kiwi), coat with melted dark chocolate, freeze to set chocolate. Send calorie count over the edge.

1. SomeEcards Pick of the Day/Best of Craigslist Pick of the Day



Autographed copy of the Bible - $1,000,000,000 OBO

Date: 2008-07-16, 2:27PM PDT

I have a near-mint copy of the Bible, signed by the Big J.C. himself. According to Amazon, this is one of the better selling books of all time. I'm guessing the Prince of Peace would be happy to hear that.

This book was entrusted to me by the Knights of Templar, they borrowed it from Our Savior sometime between 28 and 32 AD and forgot to give it back. It was one of those things where they said they'd return it in a week, but then they didn't get around to reading it right away. And you know how you always feel bad returning a book you haven't read, especially when the lender asks you what you thought of it. So in trying to avoid an awkward moment with the Alpha and Omega, they hung onto it until they had more time. Well that time turned into about 2000 years, and it got mixed in with some other books and made it into a yard sale box.

At first, the King of Kings' signature wasn't worth much, but after Our Redeemer died on the cross for your sins, apparently the value skyrocketed and then rose more gradually over the next 2000 years as more people learned of the Good Shepherd's story.

Why am I selling it? I could say that I'm interested in sharing the Word of God with someone else - become a "Fisher of Men" so to speak. But the truth is I just bought an Xbox 360 and don't have room on the bookshelf for both. I'll either use the money to fight world hunger, or buy that Rock Band game I've been hankering for."


At the far right corner of the Web the size of the Universe (if not larger )

Is a little blog that no one reads... it's my little blog taking up server space, somehow somewhere.

I decided to try and make good use of it by making more posts. In order to do this I must make up for my own deficit of original content by BORROWING content. SO I will post my Best of Craigslist Pick of the Day and my SomeEcards Pick of the Day

La tee da!

momma wants a mai-tai

It's Sunday. I haven't had any liquor for 2 weeks. I would have maybe possibly gone to the liquor store but I didn't get paid like I was supposed to.

Next time I get money I want to make Mai-Tais, would be even better if I could get people together to drink them but, I live pretty far away from the funsters I know.

Does this sound good or does this sound GREAT!

  • 1½ oz. light rum
  • 1 oz. dark rum
  • ¾ oz. triple sec
  • ½ oz. amaretto
  • 1 oz. orange juice
  • 1 oz. pineapple juice
  • ¼ oz. lime juice
  • splash of club soda
  • splash of grenadine
  • cracked ice

  • Texas state law will not allow me to purchase 4 key ingredients on this list today, (it's Sunday, baby Jesus does not like drinking on Sundays)

    Sunday, August 17, 2008

    i have an itch

    the itch to redecorate this Palm Harbor "house". I have a leather sofa (puffy) , matching (puffy) chair and ottoman. It has mysterious white spots on it that wont come off. I want to cover them with something, a neutral color like khaki. I ordered some curtains from jcpenney to go with my other brown tab top panels. they are semi-sheer and will get the proverbial ball rolling in planning the overall scheme.

    SO... I am planning on doing a lighter or maybe a bold (peacock perhaps) blue with brown stripes for the walls. Want to get some throw pillows. I would get a big rug if I could afford it. A staggering shelf wall design with a fish bowl (yes I will buy a gold or betta) and accent pieces, maybe a small battery operated fountain.

    For my bedroom, I already have navy blue bedding and curtains. I want to get rid of the cheap curtain rods. Paint the wall with window (also the wall the bed sits against) and paint it a shade of green (like kelly) paint a montone tree mural of a darker green color (like olive or hunter) buy a 13 dollar rug from ikea in dk blue

    Do something about my BORING white lampshades with white base lamp (see how it's boring) get a nice green throw for the foot of the bed and keep the ivory toned quilt (with odd awkward yellow basket design side down). Then I want to add some coordinating throw pillows (one a multi-color floral design) and have a less than dismal bedroom

    My dining room is almost finished. Whom ever designed (or maybe even flipped) this house decided to put plain globe fixtures everywhere. I want to put up a Chinese lantern since the room is already Asian themed.

    I suppose I have been watching HGTV a little too much

    Saturday, August 9, 2008

    to a portion of the MOTORCYCLIST population

    OK, now this probably does not apply to ALL of you. So for the ones who like to WEAVE between CARS because you ASSUME there is JUST ENOUGH room for your MOTORCYCLE so you can WEAVE between cars to get 15-20 SECONDS ahead of EVERYONE ELSE because you are so CLEVER and so much more IMPORTANT than everyone else.... Here's my wish for you.

    I hope some lady is applying her mascara when you decide to cut her off and then she won't SEE YOU and be able to BREAK IN TIME and shoves you STUPID ASS into the ditch. Maybe a broken leg or two will teach you that its NOT OKAY to weave around people just because you have 4 feet of room between cars.

    KNOCK IT OFF before you cause a PREVENTABLE accident