Tuesday, September 9, 2008

10.) SomeEcards Pick of the Day/Best of Craigslist Pick of the Day

Foreward... Damn you craiglist, a little (I mean I don't really want to damn c-list because I love the c-list) But OMG when are we gonna get some new crazy "Best of" postings...

To the person who put a Rick James album on my windshield...
Date: 2007-09-12, 1:33PM EDT

Yesterday (9/11) I was running errands in downtown. I had a lot on my mind and was not having the best day ever. After returning to my car 15 minutes after the meter expired, I expected to find a parking ticket. But no, in place of a parking ticket was a Rick James vinyl... SCORE!

Who was responsible for this? Why Rick James? Were you aware that I have an unhealthy obsession with my record collection or was I just the random recipient of a generious gift?

Either way, to the person who bestowed upon me the newest addition to my collection- thank you. Thank you for making my day just a little more absurd. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for taking my mind off work. But most of all, thank you for opening my ears to the musical masterpiece that is "Dance Wit' Me".

So, to the person who put the Rick James vinyl on my windshield- I want to know you. If you, by any random chance, happen to read this, please contact me. Also, let me know something about my car so that I can authenticate your deed and possibly return the favor!

  • Location: Liberty St, Ann Arbor
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

That's no fun... " AP NYC man says airline lost his dead wife's body "

Imagine this being on Airline on A&E... this is horrible

NYC man says airline lost his dead wife's body

NEW YORK - A man who tried to send his late wife's body to their native Ecuador for burial is suing American Airlines and a funeral home, claiming the carrier misplaced his wife's remains for four days.

Miguel Olaya, 60, says he hired the DeRiso Funeral Home in Brooklyn to ship his wife's body to Guayaquil, Ecuador, on April 1, but the coffin was not aboard the plane when he went to meet it at the airport. He also claims the body was badly decomposed because it wasn't properly embalmed.

Christopher Robles, Olaya's lawyer, said the airline initially gave his client conflicting stories.

"First they didn't know where her body was. Then they said maybe it was in Miami and finally they said it was in Guatemala," the lawyer said Tuesday. "Instead of sending it on the flight to Guayaquil, American sent the body to Guatemala City."

The lawyer said Olaya could not collect his wife's remains until April 4. "The body was missing for four days," he said.

Funeral director Kathleen DeRiso said the shipping error was caused by someone at American who punched in the wrong airport code. She said they wrote GUA for Guatemala instead of GYE for Guayaquil.

"It was not our error," DeRiso said, adding that the body was properly embalmed and "there was no decomposition." She said it was the first time in her 18 years of dealing with American that such a mistake had happened.

American spokeswoman Jennifer Pemberton said her company was investigating the situation but could not comment because of the pending litigation.

Olaya's lawsuit, filed last week in state Supreme Court in Brooklyn, accuses the airline and funeral home of negligence and asks unspecified damages.

Olaya's wife, Teresa, died of pelvic cancer at age 57 on March 28.

Monday, September 8, 2008

you don't know JACK

I won't be playing free YDKJ episodes anymore. Their yanking 'em. They claim they can't afford them. Oh well, I guess I'll have to do something else to chill after a shift.

Big News in Jellyland

Dear YDKJ online players, the Pope, our old intern Nate and his elephant-spouse Tiny, Britney Spears, the people of the Mosquito Coast, Pat Sajak, that one guy we used in all those pictures, and all the animals that were harmed in the making of our game (especially the marmot):

For the past 21 months or so, we've been honored to make our online game for you, about you, or via exploitation of you. For a free Beta version, we feel we've provided at least a $2-$3 value. And we're proud of that. Completely out of money, but proud. Seriously, last week we ate cheese sandwiches without the cheese. Or the sandwich. We just stared at lifelike drawings of cheese sandwiches and made eating gestures with our hands and mouths. You'd be surprised, it actually works a little.

But be that as it may, we've decided to actually try to make some money with this thing. We're working hard on getting this game out to the masses - not that the 1,000 or so of you who play every week don't qualify as "the masses." We're just really, really hungry.

So, hopefully, in the upcoming weeks, you'll hear some real big news about a real big deal we've made with some real bigshots who can help get YOU DON'T KNOW JACK back to where it belongs - in the home of every living man, woman, and child, and most elves. And for all of our loyal viewers, and we know who you are, we promise to give you a token of our appreciation. Stay tuned.

Since we'll need all of our resources to devote to this and other ventures in bringing new and exciting Jellyvision games to the world - and this is that news we promised - our online episodes will be coming to a halt at Episode 100. That's five more episodes, starting now. And then, well... the world shall be our oyster once again. Then we can eat the world, because like we said, we're hungry, even though we don't like oysters all that much.

Enjoy the final five episodes, and for Pete's sake, stop staring at us like that.

Thanks, everybody.

9.) SomeEcards Pick of the Day/Best of Craigslist Pick of the Day

Menopausal woman with nasty temper has 85 Grand Prix for sale

Date: 2008-04-28, 8:55AM EDT Let's answer some questions before I describe the car. Humour me... please...

1. NO, it is not a "condo-car" that's been garaged all its natural life. It's a $600 car.

2. YES, the odometer reads 24k miles, but I am VERY certain it has rolled over and it's actually 124k miles. It's a $600 car.

3. YES, it is restorable. Anything is restorable if you have the time and money! But, in its current condition, it's a $600 car.

4. YES, the interior is very clean. NOTICE I DID NOT SAY IT WAS MINT! It is clean... one tiny tear on the drivers seat back, broken arm-rest on drivers side, TWENTY THREE YEARS OLD!!! Again, it's a $600 car.

5. YES, it does start and run very well. My son drove it to and from work for several months while his daily-driver was being repaired. Not bad for a $600 car!

6. NO, my boyfriend and his tool box do NOT come with the car. In other words, you're buying a TWENTY-THREE YEAR OLD, SIX HUNDRED DOLLAR CAR, people! I cannot guarantee that it will "last at least a year" or that "it will make it all the way to Oregon in September". Sheesh... I mean, c'mon! My crystal ball broke a lonnnnnng time ago. What's more, it's a $600 car.

7. YES, it is quiet. But will it disturb your neighbors? HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW? I don't even KNOW your neighbors! I know you can squeal tires pretty loudly, even in this old $600 car.

8. NO, I will NOT pay for your gas if you drive here from East Jesus and decide not to buy the car for any reason. Why would you drive 3 hours to buy a $600 car anyway?

9. NO, I am NOT interested in donating the car to your worthy cause. My son needs the money. He's a kid, for crying out loud! Do you really think he'd be advertising this $600 car for SALE if he wanted to "help you out because you're down on your luck because your boyfriend left you and took your car and you have no way to get back and forth from....". You get the picture.

10. Did I mention it's a $600 car? That does NOT mean it's a $400 car, or a $500 car, or even a $550 car! THE PRICE IS $600, get it?

11. NO, I do not own a firearm. Yet.
If you've read this far, then you must be somewhat interested in the car, right? Be advised, I am in no mood to be trifled with after the 250 stupid phone calls I received over the weekend. That's right... 250, mostly assinine people, asking questions relating to the above 11 answers. Ever dealt with a woman whose hot-flashes run about 500 degrees? Seriously. Do NOT poke the bear, or if you do, do so at your own risk. I am not going to post my phone number, as my Xanax prescription is empty and I cannot afford to have it refilled until this Friday. That being said, I do have twenty photos of the car from every angle, aspect, perspective and view which I would be happy to send to you via email. Just click on the pretty blue link at the top of the post, and I promise I'll email you back lots of full-color photos that were taken just this morning.

****Only after I have determined that you are not going to be yet another idiot such as those mentioned above will I give you my phone number and/or address so that you may come and see the car****

Sunday, September 7, 2008

8.) SomeEcards Pick of the Day/Best of Craigslist Pick of the Day

Gotta love Rick Astley

You wouldn't get this from any other guy

Date: 2008-04-24, 11:52AM EDT

Are you ready to be together forever baby?

Somethings i will never to do you:

1. Give you up

2. Let you down
3. Run Around
4. Desert you

5. Make you cry

6. Say Goodbye

7. Tell a Lie

8. Hurt you

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of. You know your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it. Hit me up

Saturday, September 6, 2008

7.) SomeEcards Pick of the Day/Best of Craigslist Pick of the Day

SOMEECARDS.COM read them, share a laugh.

Since I am pretty sure nobody reads this... I hear it falling, falling so silently on deaf ears.
Best of Craigslist has not updated with any new material since 8-28-08... I know!
Where's the instant gratification added value in that?
SO, being less tenacious to go through a bunch of OLD posts... I just looked for my birthday's post date to see what would pop.
I know! I am lucky to find such a gem posted on my birthday. Must be the Aquarian charm.
Wow, no one reads this and I still type all this crap... that's dedication.

Carton Of Irregular Cat Hats

Date: 2008-02-07, 11:01AM PST

Hello. I have a big box of used cat and kitten hats that I have collected over the years for various occasions. As of recently my cat, Snowman, is no longer living and thus I am forced to get rid of these precious memories. I would not feel right asking money for them so I am offering the whole box for free. There are many styles from formal to cute and funny.

There is a variety of 14 different hats total. I just hope you and your pet can find as much joy in these hats as me and Snowman once did.

E-mail me if you are interested and I will give you my address where you can pick them up. I can also arrange for a free delivery if you are not too far away.

Thank you, Patty

Craigslist.... the world is better with Craigslist


Around 7:45 am my mother in law, who lives with us, informed me that there was no water pressure. Then she told me that there was no water.

I called the company at 8 am. They told me that they were working on it and call back if it wasn't back in operation in four hours. At noon we still had no running water. Husband called company and was told it was almost repaired and water should start to come in.

3pm. Still NO water. I called again. This time I was told that there was a major problem and it would be around 6 or 7 before water would be restored. On top of that, the water has to be boiled until the lab specimen returns.

So during that time, bathroom use was to a minimum and there was a pile of stinky dishes in my sink for most the day... and I went to Starbucks. I was up at 4 am for my shift and if I was going to make it through my 2-week supply food shopping, I would have to get my caffeine.

So thanks to Aquatex, Starbucks got 10 bucks from me! (I got coffee for my husband, MIL, and myself)

I now have a better appreciation for running water.